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This is a complete history of changes for Meteor releases.

v3.0.3, 2024-09-xx


  • Fixed Meteor.userId only being invoked with bindEnvironment.
  • Updated to Node 20.17.x.
  • Fixed an issue where meteor --open opens the browser before the app is started.
  • Investigated and addressed the error when installing the jam:method package.
  • Improved the message for new available versions when running an app.
  • Updated the documentation link inside
  • Resolved the issue where subscriptions stopped after a parameter change.
  • Added MongoDB connection telemetry.
  • Bumped the email package to prevent update errors.
  • Cordova package updates

Breaking Changes


Internal API changes

  • Some internal changes to how async contexts are handled, ensuring better performance and garbage collection.

Migration Steps

Please run the following command to update your project:


meteor update --release 3.0.3

If you've had your Meteor installation for over a year, we suggest reinstalling it to avoid any package installation issues. You can do this by running a few quick commands:

npx meteor uninstall // or rm -rf ~/.meteor
npx meteor

Meteor Version Release

  • Bumped packages:
    • accounts-base@3.0.2
    • accounts-password@3.0.2
    • email@3.1.0
    • mongo@2.0.2

Special thanks to

v3.0.2, 2024-08-14


  • Bump the patch for some packages, so we publish them using Meteor 3 tooling. PR
  • Fix subscription still resetting documents PR
  • Fix auth sub sending ready twice on load PR
  • Remove version constraints from http package in accounts-twitter PR
  • Deprecate Meteor.user() usage on server side PR

Breaking Changes


Internal API changes


Migration Steps

Please run the following command to update your project:


meteor update --release 3.0.2

Meteor Version Release

  • Bumped packages:
    • accounts-2fa@3.0.1
    • accounts-base@3.0.1
    • accounts-password@3.0.1
    • accounts-twitter@1.5.2
    • ddp-client@3.0.1
    • ddp-common@1.4.4
    • ddp-server@3.0.1
    • email@3.0.1
    • meteor@2.0.1
    • minimongo@2.0.1
    • mongo@2.0.1
    • npm-mongo@4.17.4
    • test-helpers@2.0.1
    • webapp@2.0.1

Special thanks to

For making this great framework even better!

v3.0.1, 2024-07-16


  • Bump the patch for some packages, so we publish them using Meteor 3 tooling. PR

Breaking Changes


Internal API changes


Migration Steps

Please run the following command to update your project:


meteor update --release 3.0.1

Meteor Version Release

  • Bumped packages:
    • accounts-ui-unstyled@1.7.2
    • crosswalk@1.7.3
    • facebook-oauth@1.11.4
    • npm-mongo@4.17.3
    • package-version-parser@3.2.3
    • twitter-config-ui@1.0.2

Special thanks to

For making this great framework even better!

v3.0, 2024-07-15


Breaking Changes

  • Meteor tool

    • 'meteor reset' command only affects the local project cache. Use --db option to also remove the local database.
  • accounts-2fa@3.0.0:

    • Some methods are now async. See below:
    • Accounts._is2faEnabledForUser
    • (Meteor Method) - generate2faActivationQrCode
    • (Meteor Method) - enableUser2fa
    • (Meteor Method) - disableUser2fa
    • (Meteor Method) - has2faEnabled
  • accounts-base@3.0.0:

    • methods.removeOtherTokens is now async
    • Accounts.destroyToken is now async
    • Accounts.insertUserDoc is now async
    • Accounts.updateOrCreateUserFromExternalService is now async
    • Accounts.expirePasswordToken is now async
    • Accounts.setupUsersCollection is now async
    • Meteor.user is now async in server
  • accounts-facebook@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • accounts-github@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • accounts-google@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • accounts-meetup@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • accounts-meteor-developer@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • accounts-oauth@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • accounts-password@3.0.0:

    • Some server methods are now async:
    • Accounts.sendResetPasswordEmail
    • Accounts.sendEnrollmentEmail
    • Accounts.sendVerificationEmail
    • Accounts.addEmail
    • Accounts.removeEmail
    • Accounts.verifyEmail
    • Accounts.createUserVerifyingEmail
    • Accounts.createUser
    • Accounts.generateVerificationToken
    • Accounts.generateResetToken
    • Accounts.forgotPassword
    • Accounts.setPassword -- no longer exists, you should use Accounts.setPasswordAsync PR
    • Accounts.changePassword
    • Accounts.setUsername
    • Accounts.findUserByEmail
    • Accounts.findUserByUsername
  • accounts-passwordless@3.0.0:

    • Accounts.sendLoginTokenEmail is now async.
  • accounts-twitter@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • accounts-ui-unstyled@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • accounts-ui@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • accounts-weibo@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • allow-deny@2.0.0:

    • Updated to accept async functions.
  • appcache@2.0.0:

    • Updated internal api to use handlers
  • audit-argument-checks@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • autopublish@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • autoupdate@2.0.0:

    • Updated api to be async, with asyncronous queueing.
  • babel-compiler@8.0.0:

    • Removed Promise.await default transform.
    • Added top-level-await to packages.
  • babel-runtime@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • base64@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • binary-heap@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • Build system:

    • removed Assets.getText
    • removed Assets.getBinary
  • blaze@3.0.0:

    • Todo
  • boilerplate-generator-tests@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • boilerplate-generator@2.0.0:

    • toHTML is no longer available (it was already deprecated). Use toHTMLStream instead.
    • Updated to use handlers
  • browser-policy-common@2.0.0:

    • Updated to use handlers
  • browser-policy-content@2.0.0:

    • Some methods are now async. See below:
      • BrowserPolicy.content.setPolicy
      • BrowserPolicy.content.allowInlineScripts
      • BrowserPolicy.content.disallowInlineScripts
      • BrowserPolicy.content.disallowAll
      • BrowserPolicy.setDefaultPolicy
  • browser-policy-framing@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • browser-policy@2.0.0: Updated to use async methods from browser-policy-common and browser-policy-content.

  • caching-compiler@2.0.0:

    • afterLink is now async.
    • Updated to use now async API.
  • callback-hook@2.0.0:

    • Added forEachAsync method.
  • check@2.0.0:

    • Removed fibers related tests.
  • constraint-solver@2.0.0:

    • Some methods are now async. See below:

      • ConstraintSolver.getVersionCostSteps
      • ConstraintSolver.analyze
      • ConstraintSolver.resolve
    • Updated tests to be async.

    • Removed a few underscore usage.

    • Added updated to use async methods

  • context@1.0.0:

    • Removed fibers from package.
  • core-runtime@2.0.0:

    • Created package to load packages and the app.
    • This is the pakcages that sets up the Runtime.
  • crosswalk@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • ddp-client@3.0.0:

    • Added isAsyncCall method to know if call is being made by a async method.
    • Removed fibers from package.
    • Updated tests to use async methods.
  • ddp-common@2.0.0:

    • Added .fence option.
  • ddp-rate-limiter@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • ddp-server@3.0.0:

    • Updated to use async methods.
    • Removed fibers from package.
    • Updated tests to use async methods.
    • Turned server implementation to async.
  • ddp@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • diff-sequence@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • disable-oplog@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • ecmascript-runtime-client@1.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • ecmascript-runtime-server@1.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • ecmascript-runtime@1.0.0:

    • Added dependency to @babel/runtime.
  • ecmascript@1.0.0:

    • Added dependency to @babel/runtime.
    • Moved runtime tests.
  • ejson@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • email@3.0.0:

    • Email.send is no longer available. Use Email.sendAsync instead.
    • Updated types to reflext async methods and Email.send depracation.
  • es5-shim@5.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • facebook-config-ui@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • facebook-oauth@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • facts-base@2.0.0:

    • turned unorderd deps on ddp to false.
  • facts-ui@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • fetch@1.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • force-ssl-common@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • force-ssl@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • geojson-utils@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • github-config-ui@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • github-oauth@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • google-config-ui@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • google-oauth@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • hot-code-push@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • http@:

    • Updated handlers to use handlers
  • id-map@2.0.0:

    • Added forEachAsync method.
  • insecure@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • inter-process-messaging@1.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • launch-screen@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • localstorage@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • logging@2.0.0:

    • Added dependency to @babel/runtime.
  • logic-solver@3.0.0: Logic.disablingAssertions is now async. minMaxWS is now async.

  • meetup-config-ui@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • meetup-oauth@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • meteor-base@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • meteor-developer-config-ui@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • meteor-developer-oauth@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • meteor-tool@3.0.0:

    • Changes to how meteor apps are being created PR
  • meteor@2.0.0:

    • Async local storage was added to help deal with async methods.
    • Added promiseEmmiter to help with async methods.
    • Removed fibers from package.
    • Meteor.absoluteUrl in localhost uses 127.0.1 by default.
  • minifier-css@2.0.0:

    • minifyCss is now async.
    • Removed fibers from package.
  • minifier-js@3.0.0:

    • minifyJs is now async.
    • terserMinify no longer takes callbacks
    • Removed fibers from package.
  • minimongo@2.0.0:
    • cursor.observe now returns isReady and isReadyPromise wich indicates if the cursor is ready and if the callbacks are have been called. If you only use it in the Client or as a LocalCollection things have not changed.
  • mobile-experience@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • mobile-status-bar@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • modern-browsers@1.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • modules-runtime@1.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • modules@1.0.0:

    • Updated reify version.
  • mongo-decimal@:

    • Updated to use async methods.
  • mongo-dev-server@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • mongo-id@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • mongo-livedata@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • mongo@2.0.0:

    • Updated to unify methods, update,insert,remove, fetch are now async, they are the same as their *Async counterpart.
    • ensureIndex and createIndex are now async.
  • npm-mongo@5.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • oauth-encryption@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • oauth@:

    • _endOfPopupResponseTemplate and _endOfRedirectResponseTemplate are no longer a property but now a function that returns a promise of the same value as before
    • the following server methods are now async:
    • OAuth._renderOauthResults
    • OAuth._endOfLoginResponse
    • OAuth.renderEndOfLoginResponse
    • OAuth._storePendingCredential
    • OAuth._retrievePendingCredential
    • ensureConfigured
    • _cleanStaleResults
  • oauth@3.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • oauth1@:

    • the following server methods are now async:
    • OAuth._storeRequestToken
    • OAuth._retrieveRequestToken
  • oauth1@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • oauth2@:

    • OAuth._requestHandlers['2'] is now async.
  • oauth2@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • ordered-dict@2.0.0:

    • Added forEachAsync method.
  • package-stats-opt-out@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • package-version-parser@4.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • promise@1.0.0:

    • Removed fibers usage
  • random@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • rate-limit@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • reactive-dict@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • reactive-var@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • reload-safetybelt@2.0.0:

    • Added ecmascript package to package.js
  • reload@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • retry@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • routepolicy@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • server-render@1.0.0:

    • Updated usage with getBoilerplate that are now async.
  • service-configuration@2.0.0:

    • Updated to use createIndexAsync.
  • session@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • sha@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • shell-server@1.0.0:

    • Updated to handle promises results.
  • socket-stream-client@1.0.0:

    • Updated tests to handle async code.
  • spiderable@:

    • Updated handlers to use handlers that are now using express
    • removed fibers usage if flag is set to true
  • standard-minifier-css@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • standard-minifier-js@3.0.0:

    • processFilesForBundle is now async.
  • standard-minifiers@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • static-html@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • test-helpers@2.0.0:

    • Updated to use async methods.
    • Removed fibers usage.
    • Added possibliy to use async tests.
  • test-in-browser@2.0.0:

    • Updated css to be in dark mode.
  • test-in-console@2.0.0:

    • Updated log identation.
  • test-server-tests-in-console-once@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • tinytest-harness@1.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • tinytest@2.0.0:

    • Added test name to logs.
    • Removed fibers usage.
  • twitter-config-ui@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • twitter-oauth@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • typescript@5.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • underscore-tests@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • underscore@2.0.0:

    • Removed dependency in meteor package.
  • url@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • webapp-hashing@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • webapp@2.0.0:

    • These methods are now async:

      • WebAppInternals.reloadClientPrograms()
      • WebAppInternals.pauseClient()
      • WebAppInternals.generateClientProgram()
      • WebAppInternals.generateBoilerplate()
      • WebAppInternals.setInlineScriptsAllowed()
      • WebAppInternals.enableSubresourceIntegrity()
      • WebAppInternals.setBundledJsCssUrlRewriteHook()
      • WebAppInternals.setBundledJsCssPrefix()
      • WebAppInternals.getBoilerplate
    • Changed engine from connect to express and changed api naming to match express. See below:

    • WebApp.connectHandlers.use(middleware) is now WebApp.handlers.use(middleware)

    • WebApp.rawConnectHandlers.use(middleware) is now WebApp.rawHandlers.use(middleware)

    • WebApp.connectApp is now WebApp.expressApp

    • WebApp.addRuntimeConfigHook accepts async callbacks

  • weibo-config-ui@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.
  • weibo-oauth@2.0.0:

    • Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

New Public API

  • Build system PR:

    • Assets.getTextAsync
    • Assets.getBinaryAsync
  • accounts-base: (2.9+)

    • Meteor.userAsync()
  • callback-hook:forEachAsync

    • forEachAsync
  • ddp-server: (2.8+)

    • Meteor.callAsync()
  • minifier-css: (2.9+)

    • CssTools.minifyCssAsync()
  • mongo:

    • Mongo.Collection: (2.8+)
      • createCappedCollectionAsync
      • createIndexAsync
      • dropCollectionAsync
      • dropIndexAsync
      • findOneAsync
      • insertAsync
      • removeAsync
      • updateAsync
      • upsertAsync
    • Collection.Cursor: (2.8+)
      • countAsync
      • fetchAsync
      • forEachAsync
      • mapAsync
      • [Symbol.asyncIterator] so this code should work:
        for await (const document of collection.find(query, options)) /* ... */

Internal API changes


  • _attemptLogin
  • _loginMethod
  • _runLoginHandlers
  • Upgraded node-gyp to v9.4.0
  • Upgraded node-pre-gyp to @mapbox/node-pre-gyp v1.0.11

New Internal API


  • Accounts._checkPasswordAsync

Special thanks to

For making this great framework even better!